The Best Online Poker in the World
Ask anyone—the game is rigged. You won’t find a soul in the world of online poker who doesn’t believe, either overtly or secretly (to the point of being almost subconscious), that this stuff is fixed. If there’s a straight draw on the flop, the turn and the river will complete it, especially if you have a pair or two. Same for flushes. Full houses? Oh, baby, yes. Full houses happen every third hand, minimum. If you’re holding a pair of kings, god help you—chances are somewhere around 98.9% that somebody else has aces. I’ve even come up with a private phrase for this scenario, after witnessing the abundance of pocket pairs that seem to join the KK hand: “Kings never ride alone.” Now, most of this is probably bullshit. The perception of injustice is almost definitely the result of playing a high volume of hands online—more than you could ever play in person. With so much variance, weird hands are inevitable, and the weird hands are the ones that stick in your mind. Ergo, you think they h...